Celebrating National Hot Tub Day

The 28 March is #NationalHotTubDay, but here at Superior Wellness we think the celebration of hot tubs deserves more than a day and should be celebrated every day.

Improving your wellness

A hot tub not only brings you hours of enjoyment but has a number of health benefits too. It can help to reduce stress and anxiety, relieves headaches, helps to burn fat faster and is even great for your skin.

Hot tubs can boost your circulation and reduce strain on the heart, lower blood pressure and can even help improve your sleep. Hot tubs are also great if you have aching joints from injuries, arthritis or other conditions. The warm water and bubbles can help to soothe any aches and pains, often to lasting effect. Soothe away your stresses with a soak in a hot tub.

We focus on wellness for all everyday not just on National Hot Tub Day. If you do get the chance to use your hot tub on 28 March, sit back and relax and be mindful of the warm water and bubbles surrounding you. Use the time for quality time alone or spend it with family reconnecting. A dip in the morning, mid-afternoon or the evening – at different times, with different sounds and varying lights. Hear the birds tweeting in the morning, the sun setting late afternoon and the stars lighting up the sky in the evening.  A magical experience no matter the time or day.

Enjoy a hot tub summer

With the warmer weather set to arrive there is nothing better than a day in the garden, having fun and laughter in the hot tub and of course a barbecue. Connecting with friends and family in a hot tub is good for your mental wellbeing as well as physical. Make 2022 the year of the hot tub, especially this upcoming summer season.

Hot tubs for everyone

If you are considering buying a hot tub, Superior Wellness has a wide range of global brands to choose from; with a network of partners in the UK, Europe and rest of world. Explore our brands and then find your nearest showroom. From three to eight-seater hot tubs, there is something for everyone – for a couple to a large family with young children. With the latest technology and innovations, all of our hot tubs are built to a high-quality standard.  Pre-order your hot tub now and look forward to celebrating National Hot Tub Day every day.

Partner with us

As the world’s fastest growing hot tub manufacturer, we have a growing number of partners in the UK, Europe and rest of world that distribute a huge range of luxurious hot tubs from brands such as Platinum Spas, Thermals Spas and much more. We pride ourselves on the close relationships we have built with our partners – we work as one team. Discover the range of benefits of partnering with us at Superior Wellness, or complete our become a partner form today.

Whatever you are doing on 28 March, please join us in celebrating National Hot Tub Day.  We will be celebrating in our hot tubs, of course.